A New Season, A New Name

Hello Everyone!

Just a quick note to say that I’m still here. It’s been an interesting year.
Just before my last post, we had just moved to a small town. It’s about a 20 minute drive from where we had lived, and this town is a small fraction of the size of the town we used to live in. Just a few things about our town that might be different from our previous town:
1. I think that there are 4 stoplights in this town and one stop sign.
2. Our town does not have any major grocery stores. If I want to make a large grocery run, I need to go to either the town that we just moved from or the town that I grew up in. There is a small market here for last minute purchases if I run out of something for making a meal. So we’re not totally without.
3. There’s a video rental store here. The owner has probably seen every movie in the store and if the only info you have is an actor and what it might be about, he knows exactly what you’re looking for. There is not a Redbox to be found in this town, and if there were, I don’t think that it would survive. You can’t beat good customer service!
4. I think that there are more neighbors with more chickens. Every morning, I can look outside of my kitchen window and see what the chickens behind us are up to. I discovered recently that a neighbor on our street has some chickens who like to leave home and visit other yards.

I do like living in a smaller town. It’s peaceful. We have neighbors who have warmly welcomed us and even drop off eggs from their chickens and produce from their gardens or fruit trees. It’s a friendlier place, at least the neighborhood we’re in is.

So, I thought that perhaps, I should change the name of this blog to reflect our new, calmer surroundings.

Also, we’re in a new season of life. I’m not homeschooling right now. Heather graduated from GED class and is working AND…. planning her wedding! Kylin is going to GED class so now, the only educating I do is when he needs help with his homework. So, other that all of the driving I do to take the kids to school/work, I need to start thinking of new things to fill my “extra” time. It’s an exciting and yet kind of sad time. I’m sure I’ll get used to it. I hope to. Many other parents have done this long before I was born.

So, a new adventure begins!
