Family Week

Last week was family week for our family.  Kevin’s sister, Lorrie and cousin Barbara came to town, to see Kevin’s mother, and to visit with the rest of the family.    It isn’t often that we see our families.  So when members from out of state come to town, it can be like a family reunion.    When Kevin and I were first married, Lorrie and Barbara would stay with Kevin & Lorrie’s mother and step-father, and every night, after work, almost everyone else who lived locally would drive out there and visit until rather late.  Kevin & Lorrie’s mother now lives in a memory care facility, and that place would probably frown on so many guests at once.     So these days, Lorrie rents a place and a car and she is free to have guests over or drive out to see family members.

So this past week was like a week-long party.   We were either going out to dinner every night or going to Lorrie’s & Barbara’s, or they were coming to our house.

I didn’t see the point of starting school last week, when the rest of the state was.  Who can really concentrate on school-work when there is visiting to be done?

This is Lorrie, Heather and I during her first full day here in town.

Lorrie & Barbara left for home on Monday, already making plans to come back next year.  We were sad to see them go 😦

Last week was also a countdown for my side of the family, as my sister Rachel, her husband Matt and little ones were finishing their packing, preparing for their move to Nebraska.  They came over on Saturday afternoon, to see our new house, let me hold the new baby one last time, and for Heather to entertain her little cousins who think she’s a really cool cousin.  We talked about their new apartment, the trip, the boys starting school when they arrive.

Then it was time to say “Good-Bye”.  I would be lying if I said that we didn’t cry.  My daughter and I have been getting teary-eyed off and on ever since we first heard that they were planning this move.  They do plan to come back in a year.   We are really going to miss them!  Especially at those times of the year involving holidays, and school concerts, and the sports events that they’ll probably be a part of.

They left on Monday and thanks to Facebook and Foursquare, we’ve been able to follow their progress.  It was also handy for us that Kylin has an atlas to follow along with.  Always a teaching moment.  They arrived in Nebraska yesterday and will be moving into their new home today.

Welcome Home Sisters!




Laboring on Labor Day

  It’s been nearly two weeks since our move, and my table and kitchen are still the designated waiting areas for items waiting for their new home.  My pantry is about half of the size of my previous one and my kitchen and doesn’t have as much cupboard space.  So I’m working on some creative storage.  Our plan is to set up a set of large shelves out in the garage and refer to that as “the pantry annex”.  Once that is established and our canned goods are relocated, then hopefully, we’ll be able to eat our meals at the table, and have a clear counter (that last part may be wishful thinking because countertops are rarely clear).
